dj jonny moirée \ indie dance party |
we like guitars, we like emo, we like pogo, we like angry boypop. jonny's on an indie kick, and there's no stopping this rock. featuring the freshest indie/rock/new wave/synthpop from both sides of the pond.
- Scumbody Told Me [Arctic Monkeys vs. The Killers]
- Shake That 50 Cent [The Lovemakers vs. 50 Cent]
- Talking On The Phone [Elkland]
- You Make Me Like Charity [The Knife]
- Destroy Everything You Touch [Ladytron]
- In Time [Kelley Polar]
- Still In Love Song [The Stills]
- Telestar [Clear Static]
- Dancing Shoes [Arctic Monkeys]
- Blue Orchid [The White Stripes]
- Little Dawn [Ted Leo & the Pharmacists]
- Apart [Elkland]
- Like Eating Glass [Bloc Party]
- Sugar, We're Going Down [Fall Out Boy]
- Ban Marriage [The Hidden Cameras]
- I Want To Be Buried In Your Backyard [Nightmare of You]
- Cigarette Smoke [Arctic Monkeys]
- Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt [We Are Scientists]
- Honest Mistake [The Bravery]
- Misfit [Elefant]
- Where Is Your Boy Tonight? [Fall Out Boy]
- Shame and Scandal [Madness]
- Everybody's Leaving [Elkland]
- There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey,
You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet [Panic! At the Disco]
- Pure Imagination [Maroon 5]
- Take Me Home [Don Juan Dracula]
- Steady As She Goes [The Raconteurs]
- Come On Make Me Feel [Goat Explosion]
- Elevate Myself [Grandaddy]
- Worth The Wait [We Are Scientists]
- I Love You [The Pipettes]
- I Love A Man in Uniform [Gang of Four]
- Photograph [Shiny Toy Guns]
- Raoul [The Automatic]
- Cowbell [Tapes 'n Tapes]
- Where'd You Go [Fort Minor]
- 4th Period: Clothes Off! [Gym Class Heroes]
- Under the Bridge [Gym Class Heroes]
- Cash Machine [Hard-Fi]
- Are You The One? [The Presets]
- Friday Night [Lily Allen]
- Me and Madonna [Tiga Remix] [Black Strobe]
- Two Chord Song [The Chalets]
- Hard to Beat [Hard-Fi]
- Everything [Demo Version] [Jehro]
- Represent, Cuba [Orishas feat. Heather Headley]
- Don't Speak [Leela James]
- Only You [Joshua Radin]
- Sundrenched World [Joshua Radin]
- John the Revelator [Son House]
- It's Not Over Yet Klaxons
- Teddy Picker Arctic Monkeys
- The Magic Position Patrick Wolf
- Big Girl [You Are Beautiful] Mika
- Ice Cream New Young Pony Club
- This Boy I'm From Barcelona
- Friday Night, Saturday Morning The Specials
- Rebellion (Lies) The Arcade Fire
- The Rat The Walkmen
- Fa-Fa-Fa Datarock
- A Horse and his Boy Anna Ranger
- Out of Control (State of Emotion) Kenna
- Girls Who Play Guitars Maximo Park
- Hysteria Muse
- Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors Editors
- Brianstorm Arctic Monkeys
- Staying Out For The Summer Dodgy
- Guess Who Ran Away With The Milkman? The Pipettes
- Charlie Don't Surf The Clash
- Intervention Arcade Fire
- I Turn My Camera On Spoon
- Somebody Told Me Richard Cheese
- Can I Get Get Get Junior Senior
- Good Weekend Art Brut
- Standing In The Way of Control The Gossip
- The Boys Dragonette
- The Middle Jimmy Eat World
- Flathead The Fratellis
- Time is Running OutMuse
- Girls and Boys in Love The Rumble Stirps
- Float On Modest Mouse
- Whine & Dine The Lovemakers
- As Above, So Below Klaxons
- Selfish Jean Travis
- Worried About Ray The Hoosiers
- Bohemian Like You Dandy Warhols
- Stiff Kittens Blaqk Audio
- D is for Dangerous Arctic Monkeys
- Mistakes Like These Mighty Six Ninety
- The Don The View
- Just A Song About Ping Pong Operator Please
- We Used to be Friends The Dandy Warhols
- Clean Up Your Eyes The Dykeenies
- Get Lost Patrick Wolf
- Doing it Right The Go! Team
- Make Your Own Kind of Music The Mamas and The Papas
- Somewhere Else Razorlight